Ciderpalooza! Craft Cider Festival

Bennington, Vermont

Ciderpalooza! is an all-ages craft cider festival held in Bennington, VT in the autumns of 2016 and 2017. I created this festival to celebrate the age-old tradition of making apple (and other fruit!) cider in Vermont. I designed the logo and all promotional materials for this single-day festival.

I worked with numerous established cider companies in the state of Vermont to organize a tasting festival of both hard and non-alcoholic ciders. Each cider company sent a sales representative to our samples of their product for attendees. I invited a local orchard to vend apple cider donuts and hosted a group mural project for all to enjoy.

Ciderpalooza! tickets were priced according to age and whether or not attendees would be consuming alcohol. The price of a ticket included a souvenir glass and vouchers for cider samples.